Turn Your Team’s Frustration into Motivation


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Setbacks and adversity lead to negative emotions. Most leaders view emotions as a contagion to be stopped before it spreads to others. It may also be viewed as something to be sorted out so that things can quickly return to normal. 

Leaders can help channel these negative emotions into powerful tools for motivating demoralised people and unlocking their potential. The inner dissatisfaction can make people more determined and put in hard work to succeed at the next opportunity. This feeling of disappointment can be used to empower them. Have productive conversations and navigate key moments to channel negative thoughts into productive thoughts.

Label the negative emotions and engage.

Most leaders try to rescue people from negative emotions or retreat from them. Neither helps as it only covers up the strong feelings. Instead, talk to the team members, label the emotion and invite them to discuss it. You may be wrong in the labelling but this will force the person either to agree or correct it. They will go further and share their thoughts on why it disappointed them and once you understand the true reason from the person then you can move forward in looking for a solution. It is normally observed that as they pour out the real reason they become quite animated and energised and it is this energy one needs to channelise in a constructive direction. 

Feed the self-coach

This self-analysis could lead in either becoming a self-critic or seeing the need for self-coaching. Self-coaching is helpful as it will help identify the blind spots and make the person more determined to acquire competencies to overcome the deficiencies. One can amplify the self-coach approach and suppress the self-critic by framing the negative emotion as a sign of wanting to prove oneself. Seeing this emotion as a sign of passion can help feed positive motivation.

One could also share positive experiences to negate the tendency to make unfavourable comparisons. One can help deflate the self-critic by sharing key moments when one felt inadequate and how it was overcome and moved forward.

Channel energy into action

This emotion and the underlying energy can be channelled into things that can be controlled. Some particularly unproductive outlet for teams as elucidated in the book The Art of Possibility is when the teams only talk about how bad things are. This builds a sense of connection but ultimately leads nowhere.

Instead, it would be worthwhile to give a clear picture of the gap that exists between the future of action vs inaction and use it to channel the emotion into productive action. This would be beneficial in the long run helping the person to develop new capabilities and be prepared for future challenges. 

Negative emotions are painful but leaders can turn them into something positive. This will benefit both the person and the organisation in the long run.

Turn Your Team’s Frustration into Motivation  
by Dane Jensen HBR 2020/11
