Type Less, Talk More


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Modern communication apps allow us to exchange information using text messages, voice files. Communication also involves maintaining relationships critical to our happiness, health, it is necessary to choose the medium of communication very carefully. many have favoured text or voice messages against talking indicating that they do not fully understand the value of talking to your clients, relations instead of messaging. 

When asked what is preferred - talk to a friend you wish to connect after a long time, almost everyone agreed that it is better to talk than to message but what was holding them back was the thought that it may be a bit awkward to talk. Misplaced fears of awkward interaction can lead to the wrong choice of messaging instead of talking.

The traditional methods of emailing and calling may seem outdated in this age of video conferencing brought about by the sudden lockdown due to epidemic, but video calls do not necessarily increase our sense of connection with another person.

When it comes to talking to a stranger and ask meaningful questions it may seem safer to message the person and wait for a response. But the result was that even strangers feel more comfortable talking rather than answer an impersonal series of questions. Moreover one can make out the nuances that come with the reply to identify the depth of feelings associated with the answers. this is possible only by talking and not be messaging.

Seeing the person did not make people more comfortable or connected than simply talking to them. This sense of connection seems to come from the comfort of hearing the other person talking rather than seeing him. This confirms the findings that a person's voice is the real signal that creates understanding and connection.

These results are to be seen in perspective. They do not necessarily suggest that for everything you pick up the phone and start talking. Text-based interactions are sometimes easier and simpler to understand and many times efficient means of communicating or sharing facts. But one should be aware that we tend to overestimate how awkward it is to speak directly and underestimate how connected one feels after the interaction. Use this judiciously especially when some issue is to be discussed and resolved. Take a little more time to talk to others than you are inclined to and you are likely to feel better as a result.

Research: Type Less, Talk More

by Amit Kumar and Nicholas Epley HBR 2020/10
