3 Tips for a Smooth Transition into Retirement


Photo by Huy Phan from Pexels

Many employees think wistfully about retirement. The daily, continuous pressure at work, constant phone calls, emails, travel and tours. But the retired life hardly turns out any better. One starts missing the daily stream of emails, talking to colleagues, and phone calls. 

People who enjoyed their working life often find it difficult to accept when it is finally over. They recognise that they are entering a new stage in life but have given little thought to it during their working years. 

It should be recognised that retirement is painful and must be managed carefully especially the grief of separation from a lifestyle followed over a lifetime of working. This process is described by psychologists as consisting of 3 stages - protest, despair and detachment. Some may go through it smoothly while some may struggle. When they observe that their life partner is still working, they may experience retirement as a parasitic experience and lead to depression.

How does on make this less painful?

Invest in personal relationships

Spend more time with family and friends. Close relationships more than money or fame keep people happy. 

Create networks beyond the office

People should begin engaging themselves in activities outside the office. Volunteer for work in the community, find opportunities to share your experience and learning, learn some new courses, maybe vocational, take up teaching if inclined. One can also guide the younger generation and contribute to their success in their careers.

Find new outlets

Take part-time employment as consultants for companies or non-profits. Monitor young executives or entrepreneurs, provide answers to questions or offer suggestions to navigate through a particular problem faced. use your network to help budding executives and if acceptable get involved actively in their businesses. 

All these options may seem daunting to many and they may avoid making decisions or taking action. Companies can provide help in taking the next step by making available resources to make the transition smooth. Counselling, workshops, therapy can be valuable tools to help people align their values and new role in life.

However, very few companies are offering such support to retiring employees. There are many professional consultants, firms offering such services and companies would to well to hire them if they cannot set it up themselves. manging retirement is about managing finances judiciously. Given our lengthening life spans, financial security is a vital factor. Also, in a knowledge economy, one should utilise the valuable contributions that the experienced employees can make to the young upcoming professionals in advancing their career. 

3 Tips for a Smooth Transition into Retirement
by Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries HBR 2020/0
