The epidemic, followed by economic collapse, and the need for WFH has made workplaces traumatic where employees are stressed out not knowing what to expect next. Business leaders are worried about how to keep their teams healthy as everyone works remotely and face stressful situations juggling hame and work requirements constantly. Do not ask how one will emerge from such painful times. Ask how one will be transformed by it.
We have an opportunity to change for the better. In the aftermath of the crisis, people often rethink their priorities. They may change their jobs/ carriers to match their preferences.
Business leaders should ask themselves how companies can grow through the crisis. Two factors would help affirm a company's commitment and direction.
Affirm values
Many managers are continuously worrying not only about their struggles but also about their teams who are equally stressed. One way to manage this is to focus on the values that define us, irrespective of circumstances.
One aspect to be kept in mind is that those who had a clear sense of purpose and autonomy were more likely to remain resilient. A simple exercise of having the team members lists the most important guiding principle would help boost morale and restore a shared sense of purpose. Let the team members also write down why they matter to them and share the same with the team. These exercises produce long term results, fostering resilience and growth in the face of adversity.
Leaders should affirm the values as well and link words with action to help the team focus on what they do and also why they do.
Emphasise community
During a prolonged crisis like what we are facing now, social connections become very important. Video conferencing lacks that personal touch, those watercooler moments, which are vital to foster community. There are ways to restore those moments like having check-ins, be open to sharing your home to others, inviting them to your domain, meeting families and pets. Leaders can create a peer-to-peer support network where working parents, care for elderly et., can share their problems, worries, compare notes.
Value-based leadership and attention are mandatory in these situations. When leaders show empathy, teams feel safer, work more creatively and perform better. The choices made at these times will shape who we and thereby the organisation become.
Don’t Just Lead Your People Through Trauma. Help Them Grow.
by Jamil Zaki HBR 2020/09
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