Your To-Do List Is, in Fact, Too Long


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash   All you need to create

Every day, working from home is not easy. You hardly complete what you planned to do and it becomes frustrating not to complete the planned work. This problem is challenging as working from home is less structured. It is easy to be busier than ever and still not make progress on the critical tasks. 

Alternatives you would have considered

Try harder - If you are frustrated by a repeated pattern, it may not be because you are not trying hard enough. It could be you are facing obstacles that cannot be sorted out with more effort.

Long to-do list - Too many to-dos can lead o procrastination. A typical example would be a shopper offered with too many choices they buy less than what they normally would.

Beating yourself up - Instagram and Linkedin make everyone look as though they are having a great life. Don't waste your energy comparing yourself with others.

Rather than think of options do one thing that is sure to work, think of the task as the one thing to do. 

The simplest solution-

  • Write down all the tasks to be done
  • Out of this write down one thing you want to do the most/ that you want to accomplish. If you take up something big, break it down and pinpoint a task that you can complete in one sitting.
  • Put away your long list and do not look at it till you finish this task.

Once you have finished it, cross it off the list, look at the list and pick up the next task you wish to accomplish.

It's better to use pen and paper compared to a computer or an app as this helps in remembering things and also helps you empty your head of all the tasks you wish to complete.

This long list would be a compendium of everything you need to do. it is not a working list, it is a memory list. Check the list, add what you want to do, remove what is no longer relevant for you. It stores all that you want to do without forgetting it. 

This list is a focussed, intentional choice of tasks on what you will do and continue with single-minded attention until it is completed. the key is to write down everything freeing up your mind from keeping track of tasks that you would like to complete and allowing it to focus on the task at hand. It makes a commitment that you are far more likely to follow through on 

How do you choose from among the various tasks you have listed? GO through the list and look at what you are avoiding. take this up first and complete it. 

Being intentional will help you get to work on what matters until it is completed. Even if you feel stuck, continue to do it as you know that ultimately this is what you wish to complete and you have intentionally chosen this particular task to complete. Leaving the challenge to do something easier may whittle down your to-do lists, but leave you with a hollow sense of achievement.

Choose one thing, hide the long list, get to work.

Your To-Do List Is, in Fact, Too Long

by Peter Bregman HBR August 11, 2020
