Virtual Leadership: Leading in the New Normal

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Today most of the employees have shifted to full-time work from home status. hence ledes who once led primarily in a direct contact environment have to manage as a virtual leader. 

Employees are now used to working from home and may demand this as the new normal especially if they have demonstrated that they are as productive and competent working from home. Hence they may never go back to working full time from a corporate location. This makes the role of the virtual leader more important.

Leaders judge themselves by their intentions and others judge the leader by their actions. For a virtual leader, it becomes very difficult as their actions are not visible to members who are contacted only be emails, texts, written reports, calls. 

Managers can no longer depend on their relationships with employees. Each interaction becomes very important. Normal mistakes have a significantly greater impact on the virtual environment. In a poorly run virtual meeting, employees start multitasking, answering emails, chats, social media and the group loses its synergy. Leading virtually requires a new mindset.

  • How do I maintain a connection?
  • How do I foster trust?
  • How do I provide feedback?
  • How do I know they are working?

Develop a servant leader mindset

You can achieve impressive results on your own, but it is important to remember that the value you add is multiplied when you focus your team toward success. Focusing on others makes them feel important and inspires them. Inspired employees take the initiative and suggest improvements to make the work easier and give better results. They also take the lead in their projects and tasks and help you achieve your results.

Be attentive and mindful

Leaders need to be attentive and mindful in their conversations with team members. Working effectively in a virtual environment required a high level of independence, leaders must consistently communicate their desire to connect personally with team members.

  • Be present.  We spend so much time multitasking in a remote environment. Leaders need to practice being more present in meetings and calls and help others be more present as well.
  • Pay attention to individual differences Know what motivates each person and what approach to use in a virtual meeting. Get to know individual work preferences and when do they have the most energy? 
  • lead with intention. Identify the intention before the meeting and what impact do you want the other person to have and what support you can provide them? How to succeed in your intentions? 

Ask for feedback and act on it

Leaders of virtual teams have no idea how the messages are being received by team members. Complicating this is the issue of lack of trust and low engagement levels aren't obvious in a virtual workplace. These symptoms could be withdrawal, doing the minimum work required, and discounting work done by others. Due to a lack of awareness team leaders may be blind to the escalating problems. To be effective, solicit honest feedback from team members. 

  • What can I do that helps you?
  • What do I do that gets in your way?
  • What can be done to make you more successful?

Repeat this regularly till you get feedback. When feedback is given, accept gracefully and use it to strengthen and benefit your relationship with the members.

Foster community

Leaders should work diligently to connect team members to the organization by actively facilitating collaboration, creating the team culture, and helping employees unite to build community spirit.

  • Build trust A leader must be reliable and responsive in a virtual environment. Set up clear norms or ways of working so that people know what to expect. In a virtual setup, out of sight is out of mind.
  • Provide technology support Make sure people have the necessary tools to do their jobs well. 
  • Invest in connection Emails and meetings are transactional. leaders should dedicate time to talk, catch up, and stay connected. They should use the first few minutes to connect with people, asking how they are doing, and what they are up to.
  • Celebrate success. Look for ways to celebrate success. This is especially important in a virtual world. Recognize individual accomplishments and team success.

How to accelerate performance and development

Leaders have to remain focussed on team members' need for direction and support in the short term as well as career and personal goals in the long term. This increases satisfaction and builds loyalty.

  • Focus on output. managers should be clear on what the employees must achieve and focus on results. 
  • Encourage self-reliance. Set a clear goal and check-in regularly to see if they require any help or direction.
  • Facilitate networking. It creates connections and leaders do not have to do all the coaching themselves. Help create a relationship with team members they can go for help if required.
  • Assist with career development. Talk to direct reports about their career, areas they need to develop, and any help they require.

Respect brain time

Constant, continuous reporting especially when working remote leaves no time to reflect, collaborate on creative problem-solving. Encourage your team to invest in creative thinking, encourage constructive quiet time.

Establish norms that clarify purpose and norms. Brain time should 

  • be writing - planning, project-focused
  • be limited in duration
  • Not be used as an excuse to avoid.
  • Include a back-up strategy to handle issues.
  • Be planned and respected.

Show personal interest

Understanding people is critical to building their trust, inspire loyalty, and provide direction when required. Trust is built on a visible demonstration of care. In virtual meetings or one-on-one meetings encourage transparency and personal relationships. Freely share information about yourself. Send thank-you notes at the end of the project and conduct team building activities, make time to build meaningful relationships.

Respect differences in time zones, cultures

It may be convenient to hold meetings at times that are convenient to most team members abut consider rotating the time so that it is convenient for people in other time zones too.

Be deliberate about knowing each person in the team. learn about their culture, values, attitudes, and viewpoints. 

Control your technology, time and energy

Whether you like or hate technology, choose one or two of them, and master it.

  • Manage email carefully so that you do not overwhelm yourself or others.
  • Contol your calendar and leave yourself time to serious brain work.
  • Find out what works best for you and your team.
  • Choose a virtual meeting platform and learn it thoroughly.

Remember technology is not the master only a servant. do not let it rule you.

Take care of yourself first. Pay attention to what energizes you and what exhausts you so you can better manage your energy, health, and spirit. You need to be more attentive in a virtual meet. 

Go beyond good intentions, take action to show your team members that they are your top priority. 

Virtual Leadership: Leading in the New Normal

Ken Blanchard - 202004

