3 Things Virtual Meetings Offer That In-Person Ones Don’t

Image by Armin Schreijäg from Pixabay

Doing business through virtual meeting platforms like zoom, Teams, WebEx has their share of the problem - You can't read the body language, video call fatigue, reduced participation of members, technical glitches, etc. However, the managers have a few power tools that were not possible earlier.

Three of these tools are discussed here

Improved polling

When decisions have to be taken which may be tough, like a pay cut which affects everyone yo will not get the right answer by asking a direct question in the meeting. Also by asking the members to vote by recommending a particular course of action may not be satisfactory especially a yes/ no choice. 

Polling offered in virtual meetings which offers a graded scale to vote is more likely to get a response that is closer to the actual opinion of the team members. This would also allow team members to express their concerns about the decision so that alternatives can be found to alleviate the concerns.

Restructured "off-sites"

Annual review meetings of large companies used to take a lot of effort in planning, fitting everything together in 2-3 days so that the field team is not too far away from their place of work, besides the nightmare of logistics, accommodation and the agenda.

However, you can have a detailed review and presentation when you do it off-site. There is no pressure of being away from the market, logistics, accommodation, and other constraints. You can plan 4 half-day sessions leaving the other half free to do your normal work. Moreover, you can also organize the meetings department wise, region wise to make it more focussed and meaningful. All these can be accomplished from a laptop at home.

Better brainstorming - break out rooms

Setting up a brainstorming session with your team to discuss strategies becomes very simple and direct with the help of a virtual meeting. you can present the problem hypothesis and the possible alternatives/ solutions, have a brief discussion with the team.

The team has to come with solutions that will be discussed and finalized. Immediately on a press of a button you can create smaller groups and assign them virtual rooms where they will discuss and come up with a solution within the stipulated time. Each group will have a leader appointed who will facilitate the discussion and also manage it from getting out of hand. The participants are then assembled back and the spokesperson from each group present the alternatives/ solutions which will be discussed by the entire team and then a proper solution/s finalized.

This way everyone is involved and there is agreement on the final choice without any disagreement. It also helps to implement the solution quickly as the team as one has decided on the solution.

These are some examples of the benefits of virtual meetings. the list is by no means exhaustive and as you become comfortable with using the virtual meeting more and more you are sure to find more useful features, capabilities to make the online interactions more effective.

Some aspects of the work are more difficult but at the same time, there are new ways of effective working that can be put to good use. Virtual meetings are here to stay for a long time and it is best to put it to good use.

3 Things Virtual Meetings Offer That InPerson Ones Don’t

by Bob Frisch and Cary Greene HBR July 23, 2020
