How to Network When There Are No Networking Events

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We all know typical ways to network - by attending industry meets, business dinners and conferences. This was not possible during the last few months due to the epidemic. As the industries start opening up, and the travel would be restricted. How does one establish professional connections and strengthen relationships within the company when many people would be working from home. 

It is useful to deepen existing relationships and make new ones using various social media channels. Here are a few more to consider that one can use to create new connections

Turn cancelled conferences into private networking opportunities:

Many conferences and large conferences have been cancelled since the epidemic began. Examine the conferences that were cancelled during the last 2-3 months and those that are coming up shortly. Identify the participants who were to speak or attend. This may be available from the organisers also if you ask them.

Choose 5-10 people you would like to connect with, find something you have in common that you might make them interested in meeting you. You could get in touch by email or phone and request a meeting virtually to discuss the common factor that you have identified.

Rethink the physical boundaries:

Previously, the conferences, the dinner gatherings, industry meetings were focussed around the geographical area close to the location of the place of work or residence. These limitations have receded now and it is very easy to invite people across the globe for a virtual meeting as the distance is not a criterion. The only constraint is the local time of the invitee which should be convenient to all.

Invite senior leaders to your virtual working meetings.

The present crisis has created a new set of issues to consider for business leaders like the future of the industry, how the company is responding to the challenges, the future of global work. This presents a unique opportunity to discuss the same informally in the meeting you are arranging and inviting the business leader for a short meeting to address the meeting and discuss these issues. 

Even though physical meetings have been cancelled, there are many ways to build professional relationships. By employing these strategies, you will emerge stronger once in-person events start up again.

How to Network When There Are No Networking Events

by Alisa Cohn and Dorie Clark HBR June 23, 2020
