Engaging Your People through Virtual Learning

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Virtual learning has become mainstream and it is estimated to be a $56billion industry. There are many benefits to virtual learning such as

  • reduce time away from the office
  • reduce travel time
  • decreased cost of training.
  • reduce instruction time 
  • save energy
  • better retention.
  • reaching learners where they are 
  • provides a convenient, consistent way to deliver content.

The challenge is to design content and tools that engage the learners and keep them focused and engaged. In a classroom, the trainer has control over the pace of delivery and shaking up content, so the learner's attention remains high. Learners become part of the group that can encourage and support reinforcing the learning. The challenge with virtual training is to replicate the positive attributes of classroom training with the benefits of virtual training.

The main drawback is that the learner is on his own, can easily get distracted or bored and disengage from the training. When designing the training your goal should be to present the information clearly, engage with learners frequently through questions, polls, quizzes, surveys, etc. and create a human connection.

Maximizing the money spent

It can save organizations money. If the learning has been recorded, it can be accessed by learners any time, so they do not have to take leave from work. Money saved on-premises and travel can be better invested elsewhere. 

Creating critical mass

It can support an unlimited number of participants to enroll, while in a physical classroom the capacity is limited. The more upgrading their skills, the better as it would benefit everyone at the same time. 

Also, if the number of participants is less, it may not make sense to have physical training but this constraint is not applicable for virtual training. Virtual training can be delivered live, recorded and then it can be repeated as many time as required, and whenever it is convenient. 

Boosting learner retention

Retention of learning would be much higher as the learner can learn at his pace, consume as much as he can absorb, continue at his convenient time.  

  • The training can be revisited as required and can be accessed in the same format and sequence as before. 
  • They can revisit the training as often as they want without feeling any embarrassment. In a physical learning session, the learner may hesitate to clarify his doubts, and reviewing the content is different from the original content. 
  • One could make the session more interactive with quizzes, polls videos to improve retention.

Improve engagement

Virtual learning has proven to improve the learner's engagement as well as his retention. It can be made available to others who may not have access to many learning experiences. Virtual learning is normally of shorter duration and is less disruptive to the normal workflow. 



Ensure robust connectivity. learners must be able to access their LMS, from any location, work, home, travel. Without a reliable, seamless experience the learners will get frustrated and abandon the tools.

Access anywhere, anytime, any platform

Connectivity is essential to improve learner engagement. Accessibility irrespective of location, time, or devices is necessary to encourage learners to get the maximum benefit out of virtual learning.


Microlearning is gaining attention as a strategy to boost retention. Short videos on the internet is a prime example. It is ideal when you want to relearn or refresh your knowledge on a specific task. This is being extended to comprehensive content by breaking it up into smaller pieces of knowledge. It must strike a balance between too little and too much information. 

Engage the learner

It is important to keep the learner engagement at the forefront. Change the experience every 7 seconds by having a mix of slides, quizzes, questions, polls, games, videos. Anything that keeps the learners interested in improves engagement. Another activity would be virtual groups by use of breakout rooms to complete projects as a team. You can also do a pre-session poll to decide on the judicious mix to keep the learners engaged.

Make it a game

Many learners would have played some computer game or other and experienced the joy of winning, beating friends. The same feelings applied to virtual learning where badges, trophies can be awarded for improving learner's performance.

In any training experience, you want the learners to be engaged, to change behaviors, improve performance, connect more deeply with the organization. keeping the above points in mind would help deliver memorable virtual learning experiences.

Engaging Your People through Virtual Learning

Ken Blanchard MK1034 • 031220
